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  1. Umsatz 9 0 2 Percent Rule
  2. Umsatz 9 0 2 Percent As A Decimal
  3. Umsatz 9 0 2 Percent Of 80
[..] September denUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 11,0 Prozent [..]
auf 9,392 Mrd. EUR gesteigert und damit
die gute Geschäftsentwicklung aus dem ersten Halbjahr fortgesetzt.
[..] percent increase in sales in the first nine months of the [..]
year to EUR 9.392 bn after adjusting
for exchange rate effects, maintaining the good business performance it achieved in the first six months of the year.
[..] Halbjahr 2008/09 derUmsatz währungsbereinigtnoch auf dem [..]
hohen Vorjahresniveau lag, war das zweite Halbjahr
2008/09 von einer deutlich nachlassenden Wirtschaftsdynamik in allen für die Zumtobel Gruppe relevanten Märkten geprägt.
Revenues adjusted for foreign exchange effects matched [..]
the high prior year level for the first six months of 2008/09, but
the second half of the year was characterised by a notable slowdown in economic growth on all relevant markets for the Zumtobel Group.
[..] beteiligungsproportionaleUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 21,7 Prozent [..]
auf 515 Mio. EUR.
Sales arising from The Linde Group's participation in [..]
joint ventures increased by 21.7 percent to EUR 515 m after adjusting for exchange rate effects.
Unsere langfristige, auf Wertsteigerung ausgerichtete Unternehmensstrategie werden wir konsequent fortsetzen. Für das Jahr 2008 haben
[..] [..] definiert: Wir wollen denUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 8 bis 10 Prozent [..]
our financial targets are clearly defined: For 2008, we
[..] expect to increase sales by 8 to 10 percent in constant currency.
Umsatz währungsbereinigt:+8% Jahresüberschuss [..]
ohne Einmalaufwendungen: +17% Prognosen bestätigt.
Constant-currency sales: +8% Net income [..]
excluding one-time costs: +17% Forecasts confirmed.
[..] 2000 bis Juni 2001 steigerte Unican denUmsatz währungsbereinigtvon 538,2 Mio. CHF um 5,8% auf 569,3 [..]
Mio. CHF.
[..] the financial year from July 2000 to June 2001, Unican increased currencyadjusted sales from CHF 538.2 [..]
million to CHF 569.3 million, up 5.8%.
Ursächlich dafür waren unter anderem gesunkene Verbraucherausgaben aufgrund der Wirtschaftskrise sowie der
Abbau von Lagerbeständen bei unseren Kunden - insbesondere in
[..] Nordamerika, wo unserUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 10,9 % sank.
This was partly due to lower consumer spending in the wake of the economic
crisis and inventory reductions by customers, particularly in
[..] North America, where sales receded by a currencyadjusted 10.9%.
In Europa (ohne Deutschland) stieg derUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 10 %.
Sales in Europe (excluding Germany) increased by 10 % in constant currency.
Der Geschäftsbereich Life Science Research steigerte im 1.
[..] Quartal 2008 denUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 104 % auf [..] [..]
auf das im Vorjahr noch nicht enthaltene Life Science Research Geschäft von Thermo Fisher Scientific zurückzuführen, das im Juli 2007 in das gegründete Joint Venture Kimble Chase eingebracht worden ist.
On a like-for-like exchange-rate basis, sales by the Life Science Research [..]
Division in the first quarter of 2008 increased by
104 % to EUR 21.8m, mainly due to the fact that the prior year did not include the Life Science Research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific which was contributed to the newly established Kimble Chase joint venture in July 2007.
Infolge des stabilen Zementabsatzes bei weitaus höheren
[..] Preisen stieg unserUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 79,3 Mio. eur.
On the basis of stable cement volumes sold at much higher
[..] prices, our sales rose, after allowing for currency conversion, [..]
[..] Biotechnologie hat ihren Auftragseingang undUmsatz währungsbereinigtum rund 10 % bzw. 8 % gesteigert.
[..] order intake and sales revenue in constant currencies by a good 10% and 8%, respectively.
In den ersten neun Monaten des Jahres 2007 stieg derUmsatz währungsbereinigtum mehr als 8 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum.
[..] currency effects, sales in the first nine months of 2007 were up by more than 8 percent over the same period in the previous year.
Im ersten Quartal 2004 konnten wir im Vergleich zum
[..] Vorjahresquartal beimUmsatz währungsbereinigtum sieben Prozent [..]
und beim Auftragseingang währungsbereinigt um zwei Prozent wachsen.
Compared with the same quarter last year, the first
[..] quarter in 2004 saw a sales increase of seven per cent [..] [..]
of two per cent, both on a currency-adjusted basis.
Unterstützt durch die unverändert gute konjunkturelle Situation in Europa knüpfte
KAISER + KRAFT EUROPA an die gute Entwicklung des Vorjahres an und
[..] steigerte seineUmsätze währungsbereinigtum 15,0 Prozent.
Supported by the good economic situation persisting in Europe KAISER + KRAFT EUROPA was able to
continue its positive development from the previous
[..] year and increased its turnover by 15.0 percent in currency-adjusted terms.
[..] erhöhte sich derUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 20 %, im Wesentlichen [..]
aufgrund der seit September 2008 erfolgenden
In North America sales grew by 20 % in constant currency, [..]
mainly due to the consolidation of APP Pharmaceuticals from September 2008.
[..] gesteigert - Pro formaUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 5,9 % erhöht
Pro forma underlying EBITA margin climbs to 11.4% -
[..] Pro forma currency-adjusted sales revenue rises 5.9
[..] Halbjahr 2008/09 derUmsatz währungsbereinigtnoch auf dem [..]
hohen Vorjahresniveau lag, führte der Konjunktureinbruch
in der zweiten Jahreshälfte zu deutlichen Umsatz- und Ergebnisrückgängen.
Revenues for the first half of 2008/09 matched the high [..]
prior year level after an adjustment for foreign exchange effects,
but the strong economic downturn during the second six months led to a drop in revenues and earnings.
[..] 2010 wuchs derUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 10,2 % im [..]
Vergleich zu den ersten neun Monaten 2009.
[..] nine months of 2010, net sales rose by 10.2 percent (net [..]
of currency effects) compared to the first nine months of 2009.
Ohne die akquirierten Gesellschaften Barth und Aeroglide hätte derUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 6,4% zugenommen.
Without the acquisition of the Barth and Aeroglide companies, revenues would have increased by 6.4% adjusted for currencies.
Erhebliche Beiträge leisteten hier das Saatgut-Behandlungsmittel
[..] Poncho®, dessenUmsatz währungsbereinigtnahezu verdoppelt [..] [..]
einem währungsbereinigten Plus von 37 Prozent, das Getreideherbizid Atlantis® sowie das Getreidefungizid Proline®.
[..] seed treatment Ponch, sales of which almost doubled [..]
on a currency-adjusted basis, the
fungicide Flint®, which saw sales increase by 37 percent, the cereal herbicide Atlantis® and the cereal fungicide Proline®.
Umsatz-1,8%(währungsbereinigt)Kalendereffekte [..]
und hohe Vorjahresbasis belasten Weiterhin gute Entwicklung in Osteuropa
Calendar effects and tough prior year comparables [..]
burden; Continued good development in Eastern Europe, especially in Russia and Ukraine
[..] konjunkturellen Umfeldes konnte PULSION dieUmsätze währungsbereinigtum 21 % steigern und mit einem gleichzeitigen [..]
[..] state of the world's economies, PULSION was able to record a 21 % increase in revenues (excluding [..]
exchange rate impact)
and, in conjunction with a parallel cost cutting program, achieve the turnaround in the second half of 2003.
[..] konnten wir unserenUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 2,8 Prozent [..]
bzw. 11,4 Prozent steigern.
[..] for foreign exchange, our sales in Asia and Europe increased [..]
by 2.8% and 11.4% respectively.
Starker Euro schmälertUmsatz; währungsbereinigtknapp zwei Prozent Plus
Strong euro curtails sales; up almost two percent after [..]
ist es dem Unternehmen gelungen, seine Marktposition weiter zu
[..] stärken sowie denUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 6 % zu steigern.
In past year, the Company continued to further strengthened its market
[..] position and increased its sales by 6 % in local currency.
Die Division Data Collection steigerte denUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 14,3% auf 38,1 Mio. CHF, wobei die per 31.12.2000 erworbene Gesellschaft in Miami in den Vorjahreszahlen noch nicht enthalten war.
The Data Collection Division boosted currency-adjusted sales by 14.3% to CHF 38.1 million; the prioryear figures did not yet include the Miami-based company acquired effective December 31, 2000.
Das stärkste Wachstum unter den Top-Produkten erzielte das Krebsmedikament
[..] Nexavar®, dessenUmsatz währungsbereinigt(w. b.) um 90,4 [..]
leading products was achieved by
[..] the cancer drug Nexavar®, sales of which advanced by 90.4 [..]
Umsatz währungsbereinigtauf Vorjahresniveau bei [..]
deutlich geringerer Anzahl von Neueröffnungen als in Q4 2008
Sales in local currency on prior year's [..]
level with a significantly smaller number of new store openings than in Q4 2008
Durch den massiven Einbruch beim Zement- und Betonabsatz und
[..] die Preisrückgänge sank derUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 100,4 Mio. eur.
[..] concrete volume, together with falling prices, brought sales down, adjusted [..]
for currency effects, by eur 100.4 million.
Im nordamerikanischen Markt mussten wir konjunkturell
[..] bedingte Mengenrückgänge hinnehmen, sodass derUmsatz währungsbereinigtum 7,5 Prozent zurückging.
Volumes in the North American market shrank due to the economic situation, causing sales to move back [..]
  • Germany remains biggest individual market
  • Strongest growth seen in Southern Europe
  • Spain benefits from company acquisition

Southern Europe was the only region to report double-digit growth in 2019. With an increase of 15.4 percent, it was the fastest-growing region in the Würth Group, a trend that also benefited from acquisitions. Eastern Europe (6.4 percent) and South America (8.1 percent) also reported above-average growth rates, although the latter was held back considerably by exchange rate effects. Germany remains the most important individual market for the Würth Group, accounting for 41.3 percent of sales.

One of the Würth Group's strengths is decentralization. Thanks to the geographical diversification, our more than 400 companies in over 80 countries allow us to participate in regional growth markets and thus, at least in part, to compensate for stagnation or sales declines in individual countries. Depending on the maturity of the individual markets, the strategic approaches to market penetration vary from region to region. In fledgling markets, the focus is on developing the sales force. The established entities concentrate on refining their sales divisions and expanding their sales channels, such as pick-up shops and e-business, through a regional approach, customer-specific segments, and a policy of seeking out potential.

Sales growth in Germany came in at 2.2 percent in 2019, bringing sales to EUR 5,900 million (2018: EUR 5,775 million), a level that fell well short of expectations. The slowdown in the automotive industry in particular clearly left its mark on sales development. As the automotive industry is one of the main sectors that the Würth Elektronik Group, for example, supplies, this part of Würth was hit by dwindling sales. The drop in demand also translated into lower sales at the subsidiary Arnold Umformtechnik, which specializes in connection technology for the automotive manufacturing industry. At our major German tool distributors, Hahn+Kolb, Sartorius, and Hommel Hercules, the waning economic momentum also had a direct impact on business, leading to declining sales after five years of dynamic growth. Textfridge 1 2 12.

Umsatz 9 0 2 Percent Rule

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Developments at Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG tell a completely different story. Established back in 1945, it is the nucleus of the Würth Group and is celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2020. The company, together with its 7,418 employees, reached a new milestone in 2019: Its sales surpassed the EUR 2 billion mark for the first time in its history, totaling EUR 2,094 million, including intercompany sales.

This corresponds to an increase of 5.4 percent, outstripping the average figure for the Group. Alongside the sales force and in-house sales staff, the more than 520 pick-up shops, which our customers can use to cover their immediate needs, are key to the company's positive development. Our Group's flagship is also closer to our customers than any of our competitors. In addition to the expansion of the pick-up shop network and the further expansion of direct selling, Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG is forging ahead with activities in the e-business segment. Professionalism, both internally and externally, is one of the reasons behind the company's high level of profitability. It tops the internal profit ranking table in absolute terms. This earnings power is also a prerequisite for our ability to invest in forward-looking distribution, logistics and product solutions. Examples include the construction of the new transshipment depot directly next to the A6 highway and an innovation center that is being built on the Künzelsau campus.

Umsatz 9 0 2 Percent As A Decimal

In addition to Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG, Fega & Schmitt Elektrogroßhandel GmbH can look back on an extremely successful fiscal year in which it also set a new record. Screen record video recorder 3 3 4 download free. Sales rose by 8.6 percent to EUR 515 million, breaking through the EUR 500 million barrier for the very first time. The company has been demonstrating a high level of dynamism and professionalism for years now, and has managed to double its sales in the space of only ten years.

Out of a total of more than 33,900 sales representatives, 6,412 of them are employed in Germany. Overall, Germany generated an operating result of EUR 389 million (2018: EUR 436 million), thus representing the most profitable region.

For the first time, the Americas make up the second-largest sales region of the Würth Group, accounting for 14.3 percent of total sales. The companies stepped up sales by 6.8 percent to EUR 2,048 million. Sales growth was more subdued in local currency terms, largely due to developments in the US, the region's largest individual market. The macroeconomic situation clouded over somewhat due to the trade dispute with China, although the country's unemployment rate is at an all-time low, providing a boost to consumption—the pillar that has traditionally propped up the US economy. Companies in the Industry division and within Würth Elektronik in particular were unable to reap the benefits from these rather favorable economic conditions.

South America was one of the best-performing regions in the Würth Group with sales growth of 15.4 percent in local currency terms. The largest company in the region, Würth Brazil, delivered particularly convincing performance, reporting a double-digit increase in sales expressed in the local currency.

Western Europe was responsible for sales of EUR 2,016 million. This region is home to many of the Group's more established companies, as it was where the internationalization of the Würth Group began. Western Europe is one of the key factors in the Group's success. With growth of 2.8 percent, Western Europe fell just short of the growth rates achieved in previous years. This is due, among other factors, to the below-average development seen at companies in Austria, which was, in turn, influenced to a considerable degree by negative business development at fittings manufacturers. The companies in Switzerland, on the other hand, showed positive development, especially the Swiss direct selling company, which was able to shift up a gear again after a period of restructuring. France is the biggest source of sales in this region with a share in excess of 35 percent and a growth rate that outstripped both the regional average and the average for the Würth Group as a whole. The United Kingdom is also part of the Western European region. It is not yet possible to fully predict the consequences of Brexit on our activities. Calendarmenu 3 3 2 – convenient menu bar calendar ideas. The British companies recorded lower sales, both in euro and in local currency terms, in 2019.

With growth of 15.4 percent in euro terms, Southern Europe clearly stands out from all of the Würth Group's other regions as the only region to report double-digit growth. Although the increase was supported by acquisitions, it reflects the sustained upward trajectory that companies in this region have been on for no fewer than five years running. The companies in Italy and Spain in particular made a huge contribution to sales growth in the region, reporting sales growth of 12.4 percent and 28.0 percent respectively.

It has always been part of the Group's growth strategy to add targeted acquisitions to successful business areas where it makes sense to do so. Last year, the regional focus of the Group's company acquisitions was on Spain. Würth Electrical Wholesale Group (W.EG) expanded in Spain by acquiring 100 percent of the shares in Grupo Electro Stocks, S. L. U. The company was established in 1981 and is headquartered in Barcelona. Grupo Electro Stocks reported sales of EUR 284 million in 2019, employed a workforce of 975 in 66 pick-up shops, and operates in the electrical wholesale business, while also trading in heating, ventilation and air conditioning products, as well as in sanitaryware. The Southern European region employs a total workforce of 12,486, over 60 percent of whom work as sales representatives.

Although growth momentum in the Eastern European region was above average at 6.4 percent, this was not quite enough to match the high level seen in 2018. One positive development is the fact that the companies in Poland, the country with the highest sales in the region, more than doubled their growth momentum year-on-year by 9.2 percent. It is also encouraging to see that we achieved the sales growth witnessed in this region under our own steam. The Würth Group employs more than 8,000 people in the region.


The structure of companies in the Scandinavian region has been relatively stable in recent years, which also reflects the maturity of the market. Nevertheless, the region is home to one of the model companies in the Würth Group, Würth Finland. With more than four decades of operations behind it, the company consistently impresses with its excellent market penetration and high profitability. Würth Finland also spearheaded the spread of the successful sales concept of 'pick-up shops' within the Würth Line. The company now has 185 pick-up shops.

Asia, Africa and Oceania still only play a minor role for the Würth Group at present. The share of sales attributable to this region has been stable at a level of just under five percent for years now.

Umsatz 9 0 2 Percent Of 80

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